We researched Digimental = DigiEgg and Armored bodies! Introducing all DigiEgg and their evolved Digimon!

[Digimental]=[DigiEgg] is an item created in the ancient digital world that promotes evolution. For example, Digimental of Courage'' is based on the data left behind accidentally when a Digimon with strong
Courage” dies. Each Digimental contains the power of elements such as “fire” and “wind,” and imparts that ability to the armored body it evolves into. A total of 11 species have been discovered.
Digimon that evolve using [Digimental]=[DigiEgg] are called [Armor Body], and can acquire abilities according to the fused DigiEgg. Digimon and Digimentals have compatibility, and when the compatibility is good, the power of the evolved armored body can sometimes jump up to the ultimate class. Usually, the mature class is common.

“Digimental” is an item that appears in the anime “Digimon Adventure 02” and is necessary for evolving into “Armor body”.
We researched all 11 types of Digimentals and their evolution destinations!
By reading this article, you can learn about “DigiEgg”, “Armor bodies”, and “Digimon descendants of ancient species”!

In Japan, it is called Digimental, but overseas it is sometimes called Digi-Egg.
Digimental and DigiEgg have the same meaning.
What’s about DigiEgg ?

[DigiEgg] is an item created in the ancient digital world that promotes evolution. For example, Digimental of Courage'' is based on the data left behind accidentally when a Digimon with strong
Courage” dies. Each Digimental contains the power of elements such as “fire” and “wind,” and imparts that ability to the armored body it evolves into. A total of 11 species have been discovered.
Most of them are egg-shaped in appearance, and are embossed with their attributes and inherited emblems.
The name comes from Digital Monster + Mental.
What’s about Armor Body ?

Digimon that evolve using the power of “Digimentals” become “Armor Body”, and evolving using Digimentals is called “Armor Evolution”.
By using Digimentals, Digimon can evolve with less burden.
In the anime “Digimon Adventure 02”, it was used for evolution in an environment where the “Dark Tower”, a normal evolution suppressor, was installed.
Digimon and Digimentals have compatibility, and if you force Digimentals to use them, their power will reverse and go out of control. However, if they are compatible, the power of the evolved armored body can sometimes jump up to the ultimate class. there is.
In the anime “Digimon Adventure 02”, the partner calls “Digimental up!!” and upgrades “Digimental” to “D-3” to encourage evolution.
Digimon’s descendants of ancient species

Digimon descendants of ancient species, upper row “Armadillomon, Veemon, Hawkmon”, lower row “Patamon, Wormmon, Gatomon”

[Ancient Digimon] are Digimon that were active in the ancient digital world.
Typical examples include the Digimon named Ancient 〇〇mon, the Ten Warriors of Ancient Legends'', the founder of the Royal Knights,
Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode”, and Ukkomon.
The six Digimon mentioned above are said to be the descendants of these ancient Digimon.
They are rare Digimon that can fuse with “Digimentals” and evolve into “Armor Body”.
As the main character of the anime “Digimon Adventure 02”, he evolved into an armored form and played an active role by making full use of his digital powers.
On rare occasions, Digimon other than the descendants of ancient species can undergo armor evolution.
About types of Digimental = DigiEgg

All types of digimentals: courage, friendship, love, knowledge, purity, sincerity, hope, light, kindness, miracles, and destiny.

A total of 11 types of Digimentals = DigiEggs have been confirmed.
It has the same name as the “emblem” discovered in the anime “Digimon Adventure”.
Each Digimon has attributes that affect the appearance of the Digimon it evolves into.
Now, let’s take a look at each Digimental and the Digimon they evolve into.
The ”※” in the table is the name of the Digimon that appeared only on the drama CD.
・Click here for “About Crests and Tags”!
– DigiEgg of Courage –

DigiEgg of Courage
DigiEgg of Courage | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | Flamedramon | burning courage |
Hawkmon | Allomon | |
Armadillomon | Boarmon | |
Patamon | Baronmon | |
Gatomon | Lynxmon | |
Wormmon | Shadramon | |
others | FlameWizardmon , Salamandermon |

It has the attribute of “fire”, and if you acquire this digimental, your fighting ability will increase.
Digimon that is compatible with you is “Veemon”, and the Digimon that is not compatible is “Wormmon”.
– DigiEgg of Friendship –

DigiEgg of Friendship
DigiEgg of Friendship | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | Lighdramon | A roaring friendship |
Hawkmon | Rinkmon | jet friendship |
Armadillomon | Sepikmon | |
Patamon | Stegomon | |
Gatomon | Rabbitmon | |
Wormmon | Togemogumon | |
others | Thunderbirdmon , Kenkimon | |
Gabumon | ※ redfoxmon | once upon a time |

It has the attribute of “thunder”, and when you wear this digimental, you can move around quickly and use techniques that utilize electricity.
Digimon that goes well with it is “Veemon”
– DigiEgg of Love –

DigiEgg of Love
DigiEgg of Love | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | Sethmon | |
Hawkmon | Halsemon | flapping love |
Armadillomon | Pteramon | love that causes a storm |
Patamon | Pipismon | |
Gatomon | Swanmon | |
Wormmon | Aurumon | |
Biyomon | ※ mynabirdmon | repeated love |

It has the attribute of “wind”, and if you acquire this Digimental, you will be able to fly in the sky like the wind and be good at aerial combat.
Digimon with good compatibility is “Hawkmon”, Digimon with bad compatibility is “Veemon”
– DigiEgg of Purity –

DigiEgg of Purity
DigiEgg of Purity | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | Yasyamon | |
Hawkmon | Shurimon | Sparkling Purity |
Armadillomon | Frogmon | |
Patamon | Ponchomon | |
Gatomon | Kabukimon | |
Wormmon | Nohemon | |
Palmon | ※ cheerleadermon | purity under the sun |

It has the attribute of “plants”, and when it acquires this Digimental, it gains the ability to assimilate into nature.
Digimon that is compatible with “Hawkmon”
– DigiEgg of Knowledge –

DigiEgg of Knowledge
DigiEgg of Knowledge | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | HoneyBeemon | |
Hawkmon | Flybeemon | |
Armadillomon | Digmon | wisdom of steel |
Patamon | Mothmon | |
Gatomon | Butterflymon | fascinating knowledge |
Wormmon | Searchmon | |
Tentomon | ※ selfishmon | strange knowledge |

It has the attribute of “earth”, and when you acquire this digimental, you gain the power to manipulate the earth, giving you an advantage in underground battles.
Digimon that is compatible with “Armadillomon”
– DigiEgg of Sincerity –

DigiEgg of Sincerity
DigiEgg of Sincerity | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | Depthmon | |
Hawkmon | Orcamon | |
Armadillomon | Submarimon | swirling sincerity |
Patamon | Mantaraymon | |
Gatomon | Tylomon | |
Wormmon | Archelomon | |
Gomamon | Urashimamon | Sincerity of the beach |

Having the attribute of “water”, if you acquire this Digimental, you will be able to swim freely in the ocean and be good at underwater battles.
Digimon that is compatible with “Armadillomon”
– DigiEgg of Hope –

DigiEgg of Hope
DigiEgg of Hope | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | Sagittarimon | the greatest hope on earth |
Hawkmon | Moosemon | |
Armadillomon | Sheepmon | |
Patamon | Pegasusmon | soaring hope |
Gatomon | Goatmon | |
Wormmon | Bullmon |

It has the attribute of “holy”, and when you wear this digimental, you can use your holy power to exert absolute strength against evil things.
Digimon that is compatible with “Patamon”
– DigiEgg of Light –

DigiEgg of Light
DigiEgg of Light | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | Gargoylemon | |
Hawkmon | Harpymon | |
Armadillomon | Seahomon | |
Patamon | Manbomon | An exciting light |
Gatomon | Nefertimon | light of smile |
Wormmon | Quetzalmon |

It has the attribute of “light”, and when you wear this digimental, you gain the power to purify darkness with the power of light.
Digimon that is compatible with “Gatomon”
– DigiEgg of Kindness –

DigiEgg of Kindness
DigiEgg of Kindness | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | Kangarumon | |
Hawkmon | Toucanmon | |
Armadillomon | Chameleonmon | |
Patamon | Prairiemon | |
Gatomon | Opossummon | |
Wormmon | Bucchiemon | The kindness of a midsummer night |

A mysterious Digimental whose attributes are unknown. Many of the things they evolve into look like cute animals.
Digimon that is compatible with “Wormmon”
– DigiEgg of Miracles –

DigiEgg of Miracles
DigiEgg of Miracles | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | Magnamon | miraculous brilliance |
Hawkmon | Peacockmon | |
Armadillomon | Elephantmon | |
Patamon | Rhinomon | |
Gatomon | Maildramon | |
Wormmon | Kongoumon |

It has the attribute of “metal”, and when you wear this digimental, you gain tremendous defensive power and can get out of a difficult situation with miraculous power. A rare Digimental that can acquire the abilities of a Perfect Class.
A compatible Digimon is “Veemon”, and after evolution Magnamon is an ultimate class member of the Holy Knight ”Royal Knights”.
・Click here for “About Holy Knight Royal Knights”! written by Japanese
– DigiEgg of Destiny –

DigiEgg of Destiny
DigiEgg of Destiny | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | GoldVeedramon | |
Terriermon | Rapidmon | sparkle of destiny |

Digimental with unknown attributes. Currently, only three evolution targets using this are known.
Digimon that is compatible with “Terriermon”
Terriermon appeared in the movie “Digimon Adventure 02 / Digimon Hurricane Landing – Super Evolution!! Golden Digimental” and evolved into Rapidmon.
※There is an official announcement that there are three evolved forms of the Digimental of Destiny, but currently there are only two.
Extra:- DigiEgg of Darkness –

DigiEgg of Darkness:previous Digimon Card Games
DigiEgg of Darkness | Evolved armor body | catchphrase |
Veemon | Devidramon | |
Gatomon | DarkMaildramon | |
others |

“Digimental of Darkness” that appeared in the previous Digimon card games
It appeared as an item card that allows some Digimon to evolve.
As the name suggests, it evolves into a Digimon that is imbued with dark power.
List of Digitmental = DigiEgg and Armor Bodies

List of Digitmental = DigiEgg and Armor Bodies
I’ll put the names on the table.

Courage | Friendship | Love | Purity | Knowledge | Sincerity | Hope | Light | Kindness | Miracles | |
Veemon | Flamedramon | Lighdramon | Sethmon | Yasyamon | HoneyBeemon | Depthmon | Sagittarimon | Gargoylemon | Kangarumon | Magnamon |
Hawkmon | Allomon | Rinkmon | Halsemon | Shurimon | Flybeemon | Orcamon | Moosemon | Harpymon | Toucanmon | Peacockmon |
Armadillomon | Boarmon | Sepikmon | Pteramon | Frogmon | Digmon | Submarimon | Sheepmon | Seahomon | Chameleonmon | Elephantmon |
Patamon | Baronmon | Stegomon | Pipismon | Ponchomon | Mothmon | Mantaraymon | Pegasusmon | Manbomon | Prairiemon | Rhinomon |
Gatomon | Lynxmon | Rabbitmon | Swanmon | Kabukimon | Butterflymon | Tylomon | Goatmon | Nefertimon | Opossummon | Maildramon |
Wormmon | Shadramon | Togemogumon | Aurumon | Nohemon | Searchmon | Archelomon | Bullmon | Quetzalmon | Bucchiemon | Kongoumon |
About Digimental = DigiEgg & Armor Body : Summary

We researched “Digimentals = DigiEgg “, “Armor Bodies”, and “Digimon Descendants of Ancient species”!
The Digimentals and each armor body were a mess and I couldn’t organize them, so after researching them again this time, I feel like I was able to organize the relationship between the evolution destinations of each Digimon and the Digimentals.
I’m really interested in the third Digimon of the Digimental of Destiny, so I’d be happy if it was announced! (If you have any useful information, please leave a comment m(_ _)m)
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